Community Meetings 

Our Meetings are held 4 times a year at the Harundale Presbyterian Church on East way. They are now set on the first Wednesday of the month indicated.

We are dedicated to the community and continue to perform our daily operations. if there are any concerns feel free to contact us Email We will respond as soon as possible.

They start promptly at 6:30 PM. New dates for the 2025 calendar are finally here!

February 5th 2025
May7th 2025
September 3rd 2025
November5th 2025
these are the 2025 dates for our meetings. we hope that you all can make arrangements, and we thank you for your attendance and support.

WILL YOU BE THERE! Please be sure to tell your neighbors of the new times! 


It looks like the weather is starting to change! Make efforts to prepare for the cold season while there is still time. It makes for a perfect opportunity to get some last-minute yard work done. leaf cleanup and that pile of “I’m gonna get to that” debris.  Remember to at least check on your Heating system to ensure it is in working order. We hope that everyone has a wonderful time with friends and family throughout the holidays.

Program for county Residents!

Call N’ Ride service is a NEW, ON-DEMAND transit service serving North County.

Anne Arundel County’s Office of Transportation initiated the launch of North County, Call N Ride service in October of 2023.
The North County Call N’ Ride service is a free on-demand transit service that provides connections for north county residents within a geo-fenced zone that operates between 7AM and 7PM on weekdays.
With the success of the South County and North County services, the Office of Transportation is expanding the NCCR in order to cover a larger geographic footprint. This enhanced service will also replace the Saturday Shopper Shuttle which is now covered by the new service area to accommodate even more residents who desire to utilize shared ride transit services. 
Effective July 1, 2023, the North County Call ‘ N’ Ride transit service will operate Monday thru Saturday between the hours of 7:00 am- 7:00 pm.
  • The Saturday Shopper Shuttle will end on June 30, 2023, and be replaced with the new extension of the North County Call ‘ N’ Ride with the hours remaining the same.
  • The enhanced service will include expansion into the Pasadena area eastward to the Lake Shore Shopping Center and westward to include Freetown; Meade Village; and Ft. Meade areas.
For more information you may visit or use our QR code (located on bus stop signs throughout the county).

Anne Arundel County Transit is FARE FREE to all county residents. See flyer images attached for additional information and instructions. Call 410-222-0025 to request service.


Harundale Presbyterian Church

Worship on Sundays at 10:30 AM, child care is provided, all are welcome. Come and be nourished and encouraged in faith. We are located at 1020 East Way (next to the library). Our phone number is 410-766-4338. Please visit us at our web address which is


The Church would also like all of our residents to know that their playground is open to us for use. Smaller children should be accompanied by an adult. Please be sure to show respect for the area and leave it as it was prior to your visit. 



Roadwork information

 If there are areas of concern, please let us know or call the number listed below. 

The following information has been provided to us and we are happy to share it with you. This is a preliminary schedule and is subject to change as time moves forward, however it shows that our community is still in the active list of work to be completed.

Thomas Road and Stane Road are under contract for hot mix asphalt (HMA) resurfacing in 2025. Additionally Ingalls Road and Binstead Road are under contract for reconstruction in 2025. These projects are anticipated to commence in spring and be completed on or before Dec. 31, 2025, weather permitting.
Houghton Road and Cotter Road are tentatively anticipated to be scheduled for reconstruction in 2026. Edgerly Road and Farrington Road are under tentative consideration for reconstruction in 2027.




























  Please know that the grassy areas along the curb lines, once completed are filled with a good topsoil and seed. These areas will be soft for a good period of time and should be free of walking, driving and even cutting of the grass until they have settled in to avoid rutting the areas out. Parking over the curb line will no longer be tolerated and is subject to ticketing, fines and possible costs of repair. It is exciting to see the renewal efforts in action and the curb appeal this presents for our community!

 Please make sure that as the work begins that we all do everything possible to ensure the workers have the areas cleared as needed of all vehicles to ensure that the work moves as quickly as possible. While these roads are being worked on, please be considerate to the areas where you will need to park.

While the work is being completed this is an excellent opportunity to consider a driveway for your home. The best way to get this done is to talk with the project manager on site as they come close to your address. They have in the past provided the work at an extremely lower price while on site than you would normally be able to do on your own. 

I hope that everyone is as excited as we are in getting this information as it greatly improves the water flow and overall appearances of the community.

Those who live on roads that have not seen any improvement should keep calling the Northern District roads for requests!  It helps to keep them hearing from those that are impacted!


 If you call be sure to write down date, name of person you spoke with and the information they gave you as we are now in constant communication regarding this and there have been issues with the way the department has been handling the calls. we need this to expedite our efforts!!!  Also, while we are trying to do this, please keep in mind that the law states (in short) that repairs are the responsibility of the homeowner however there are some exceptions so be kind while speaking with these people as the old saying goes you get more with sugar…

Mosquito Control

Mosquito control 2024 is over.  Please continue to do your part in the community by addressing all areas of standing water. The simplest thing of a trash can lid that holds water can allow for the larvae to live and thrive through the area. Empty all containers of standing water often. drain off pool covers prior to opening for the season. We all want to enjoy the season without these pests.  Thanks, in advance.


Request for Exemptionion5-25

Mosquito Control (

The Maryland Department of Agriculture’s Mosquito Control Program is urging residents to act now to reduce mosquito populations by reducing standing water on their properties. Aside from being nuisances, mosquitoes can also carry a number of diseases that are harmful to humans and animals, including West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. It is important to start before mosquitoes become adults because some mosquitoes can live for several weeks—including Maryland’s biggest nuisance, the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus). These small black insects have a white stripe on the back and white spots on the legs. They do not fly very far —the majority will fly less than 500 feet—so by eliminating their breeding locations, you may get rid of them in your yard. Asian Tiger Mosquitos breed in anything that holds rainwater, especially toys, tarps, abandoned swimming pools and plastic gutter extenders, which hold water in their ribbing and curves. The department recommends covering gutter extenders with a fine mesh material and a rubber band and to clean the leaves and debris out of them twice a year. For items that hold water but cannot be dumped, residents can consider putting a biorational larvicide such as Mosquito Dunks or Mosquito Torpedoes into the water. The pesticides only kill mosquito larvae and are available at most hardware stores and other retailers. For proper application, please read the label of all pesticides before use. For more helpful tips and information, please visit MDA’s Mosquito Control Program webpage. For information on mosquito-borne diseases and West Nile virus, please visit the Maryland Department of Health’s website.
Follow Maryland Department of Agriculture on Facebook @MdAgDept

Community Information


Never invite a solicitor in your home. SCAMS are very prevalent right now and if you’re not sure, DO NOT answer your door!!!! 

Roadside Signage

As you drive along the roads today you have undoubtedly seen signs stuck to poles trees and sign poles as well as every corner in grassy areas. regardless of what they say and are for they are illegal and are not supposed to be there. just like many other laws these are not enforced and the people that put them there are often doing in the late hours of the night. The simple truth is that they are trash and look terrible if left to pile up and not be removed. The fact is they are removed at a cost to us as taxpayers. They are never removed by those who put them up.

Fact: The only signage that is allowed by law at present is those which are placed for real estate sales and openings of complexes or condos or new home communities. these are permitted from Friday through Sunday each week and are removed by the companies hired to place them there like clockwork.

The Harundale Community has a no sign policy. We will enforce it within the boundaries of our community.

This not only includes the “we Buy”, “Close Out Sale”, Advertisements and Service signs but will also include ANY signage like “LOST”, For Sale”, “yard Sale” etc. This includes all streets in and through the boundaries known as Harundale – Oakwood Park. There are no exceptions to this policy. As soon as they are seen they will be removed. The only exception to placement of signs as long as they are 2 feet by 3 foot or smaller is within the individual property owned by the residents.

We are committed to the continued efforts of making our community a clean and safe place.

Help Prevent Car Theft and Property Theft

It all starts when you park your car!  LOCK your vehicles!

The most common criminal offense found in all communities today is one of sheer convenience and opportunity… WE can end the crime by using a commonsense approach of out of sight out of mind as well as locking your vehicle when parked.

We have all heard stories or even lived in the day when “you could leave the keys in the ignition or leave your front door open all night”! Well guess what, those days are long gone!!! The police department and HOPCA have spoken in great lengths regarding the details of these crimes and what we found is that by taking personal items out of the view of passer byes and locking the doors, you reduce your risk of theft or damage almost completely!!! there is a national program that is growing that supports the act of locking your car and hiding your items like phones, note pads and GPS devices. DO YOUR PART and become the solution instead of the victim. HIDE LOCK AND TAKE

What to Do If the Lights Go Out

Prepare today! Make an emergency plan and talk about it with your family to help everyone know what steps to take.

Power out or downed wires?
Call to report it!
Go to to learn more

  • Keep flashlights, a battery-powered radio and fresh batteries handy.
  • Check on elderly neighbors and those with special needs who might need additional assistance.
  • Unplug sensitive electronics and appliances like space heaters to prevent damage when power is restored.
  • Keep the fridge and freezer doors and drawers closed and wrap the fridge in blankets to help insulate it.
  • Keep curtains closed and limit trips outside to maintain temperature for a longer period.

Prepare today! Make an emergency plan and talk about it with your family to help everyone know what steps to take.

Community Clean-Up / Ride Through

This is a process that is carried out several times a year where a ride through the community is completed and any violations that are seen at the time of the ride are documented. Vehicles in any violation are tagged at the time and if needed a letter is also sent. homes in violation are sent a letter. If there are questions or concerns, feel free to email us at:   

Abandoned Houses

There has been quite a bit of activity on homes in our area where the banks are starting to clean up and sell the properties that have been sitting.  This is great to see however if you see activity in a home and are not sure that they should be there please notify the police so that they can assure proper identity and purpose of being there.

We are asking for help in notifying the Harundale Civic Association to report abandoned properties so that the owners can be contacted and asked to maintain their properties. In the event the owner can’t be contacted, we will make arrangements to secure the property and cut the lawn.

PODS and Storage Containers, Personal storage units are illegal when placed on the street in Anne Arundel County. These units must be placed on the homeowner’s property (not the section between the street and sidewalk) and are limited to a six-week period per county code. These units may only stay on your property for a longer period of time if you have a valid building permit, however six months is the absolute longest allowable period. Our community association will report all violations to the necessary authorities.